Torneo della Befana – Minibasket – Padova

Torneo della Befana | Minibasket | Padova | 3 - 6 gennaio 2025

The Leoncino Mestre won the 16th edition of the International Epiphany Tournament (Aquilotti Category), organized by the basketball team of Hurricane Basketball with the collaboration of the Fip of Padua. In the grand finale, played yesterday afternoon at the Indoor Stadium of Piombino Dese, the players of Mestre beat Mens Sana Siena (49 to 38). In the third place of the podium there are the Croatians of BC Krizevci, which won against Reyer Venezia Oro in the final (47 to 41).

Il Mattino di Padova – 06/01/2014

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