Torneo della Befana – Minibasket – Padova

Torneo della Befana | Minibasket | Padova | 3 - 6 gennaio 2025

The Minibasket of the Epiphany is coming. The minibasket Tournament, organized by the basketball team of the Hurricane Basketball cooperating with the Fip of Padua, will be played in 8 playing fields of Padua and its province from Thursday the 2nd to Sunday the 5th of January. A new start for the minibasket international event, which has now reached its 16th edition.“It will be a kind of year zero”, explain the organizers Andrea Beghin and Emanuele Mura who took the baton from Leopoldo Carraro. To witness it there are the staggering numbers of the Epiphany: 714 children, 44 societies, 140 matches. Several are the minibasket teams coming also from other regions, that will honour the event: San Paolo Roma, Virtus Matera, Mens Sana Siena, Virtus Siena, Vignola Modena, Collegno Basket Torino and even a foreign group, the Croatians of the Bc Krizevci team. The hospitality reserved to the mini-athletes and their parents: four teams will stay in the secondary school of Limena (67 between children and trainers), two other groups will sleep in a hotel, while the Croatian squad will be staying with the families of the Jolly Santa Maria di Sala team. A welcome, which will be extended also to the special team of 37 young federal referees, lodged as well in the secondary schools of Limena.

Il Mattino di Padova – 30/12/2013

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