Torneo della Befana – Minibasket – Padova

Promise kept!
Rounds and programme of the Tournament are now a fact!
4 rounds consisting of 5 teams each and 4 consisting of 6 teams for 140 matches which promise a great show in this 16th edition of the event dedicated to the International minibasket.
From north to south, from San Vendemiano to Matera, going on to Vignola, Siena and Rome, we receive 43 teams coming from Italy, and we close the accounts at 44 entered teams with our Croatian friends of the BC Krizevci team.
Knowing for a fact to have run down to the last detail to satisfy the awaited 800 children and the 100 trainers which will come with them, there is nothing left for us to do but give you an appointment to the 2nd of January at 9.00 am for the first jump ball.

Have a good Tournament!!

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